Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Best Field Trip Ever!

Field trip reflections:

I have never seen a turtle with two heads! (Jamey)
I saw a snake that eats rats four times a month. (Genesis)
I have never seen a snake. (Keaira)
I really liked the submarine but at first I thought it was a space ship. (Daniel)
I got to touch a snake. (Murphy)
I got to see a nursery shark. (Caroline)
I saw a spider that was seven or eight inches long. (David)
I didn't really know that a snake could be so long. (Jane)
Mrs. Wilson said she thinks ant-eaters look really weird because they look like a giraffes neck connected to an elephant body and nose. (Anne)
I got to touch a starfish. (Adam)
In the room with all the rocks there were some that glowed in the dark. (Paisley)
There was rock with stripes on it that look like the stripes from Jupiter. (Xander)
I got to see two tigers; one was a girl and one was a boy I think. (Rosalie)
I saw a rattle snake that was very crazy. (Zach)
I have never been just three inches away from a Wallaby. (Julia)
I got to hold a snake too! (Wodajo)
I have never seen a maned wolf and I learned that they are endangered. (Izzy)
I got to a real peacock for the very first time. (Mattie)
I got to see a tornado in the water. (Jordan)
I got to have a staring contest with one of the howling monkeys. (Mrs. Ziegler)
I enjoyed going through the maze! (Mrs. Mowad)

*giggle moment*

Caroline and Kearia had to save Mrs. Ziegler yesterday when she got lost in the maze!

The peacock escaped it's habitat and went on the loose!


  1. Murphy had a great time!!!!!!

  2. That does sound like fun and y'all had the perfect weather, too!
