Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Playing "catch-up"

Dear Parents,

First we would like to apologize for not blogging the past several days. Mrs. Ziegler was out on Friday for a planning day, Monday because her son was sick and we were so busy playing "catch-up" yesterday that we just didn't have the time! So after brainstorming as a class we wanted to share the following things with you to let you know what has been going on in our classroom:

In the computer lab we stamped a picture of polar animals and got to print them out.
We finally got to share our shape pictures that we made way back in November.
We have been learning about penguins and Mrs. Mowad brought a stuffed penguin collection from home!
Yesterday we got to go to a Yo-Yo show.
We went to library to check out new books yesterday.
We had Spanish on Monday.
We have had a lot of fun chanting our word wall words to the tune of "cha cha cha" during phonics and word block this week.
We wrote about how to make a snowman.
We started using a rubric to check our papers in writing.
Emperor penguins and and king penguins do not build nests.
An emperor penguin and Kearia are about the same size.
The emperor penguin can dive 1500 feet.
The smallest penguin is called the fairy penguin.
There are 17 different kinds of penguins.

Question for Parents: (please respond with a comment)

What do you know about penguins?