Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy!

We did not have time to do our blog together today! We had a very busy but VERY PRODUCTIVE day. We began by checking our daily language and math workbook. We learned why it is important to know your doubles addition facts. We cheered and chanted two new words for our word wall and read a few more tongue twisters. We especially enjoyed reading the tongue twisters that were added as comments to yesterday's blog...thank you so much for helping to make learning fun! After reviewing the five rules to a simple sentence, students then wrote their own tongue twister using their name and will be able to type and print their tongue twister in the computer lab tomorrow. We talked about analog clocks and will spend more time on "telling time" over the next several days. The most exciting part of our day was that we had our very first scientist meeting of the year. Each student received their science journal and we began by writing our wonder questions for the year. Zach came up with a question that we will use for our very first experiment...tomorrow! We are all very excited. Thanks again for submitting your tongue twisters, we'll share student tongue twisters tomorrow.


  1. We wish wonderful winter wishes with Whitaker wonder.

    I hope y'all are having a great time with tongue twisters. They are fun!

  2. Beth Budd blows big blue bubbles while baking biscuits for Bailey!

    Can't wait to read all of your tongue twisters!

    Adam's mom
