Monday, May 10, 2010

Hello Again!

Mrs. Durham came into our room and read us a book called Bully Beans. (Jamey)
We are working on a project that we're reporting on different types of animals. (Caroline)
Today in art we got to bring our posters home. (Jordan)
Today in phonics and word block we brainstormed our new word family. (Rosalie)
Last week we went in the strawberry patch and picked strawberries and even fed the animals. (Paisley)
Tomorrow we are going to start our research on animals in the rainforest and we will have to fill out a rubric that tells how many points we get. (Xander)
We did guided reading. (Keaira)
We finally got to do our blog! (Murphy)
At the strawberry patch we got to go on a hayride. (Mattie)
I can not wait until tomorrow because we get to find out our partners and we get to find out what animals we will be researching. (Zach)
At the strawberry patch there was a playground and there was a place under the ship that had a pole going up through the top of the ship. (Wodajo)
We read a book about the jungle called The Great Kapok Tree. (Julia)
We watched a video of Flat Stanley at the Leaning Tower of Pisa. (Mrs. Ziegler)

Question for Parents: (please respond with a comment)

What is your favorite rainforest animal?

What is your least favorite animal in the rainforest?


  1. My favorite rainforest animal is the lemur or the panther.

    My least favorite is the flying fox bat.

  2. The Jaguar!!!!! Murphy and Marla Andrews

  3. My favorite rainforest animal is the BLUE POISON DART FROG. (National Geographic page with photo) I like it because it is sapphire blue, which is my favorite color, plus it is small but fierce. I like small but fierce things.

    My least favorite animal would probably be the GOLIATH BIRD-EATING TARANTULA (Smithsonian Institution/National Zoo page with photo) I don't care for enormous spiders especially.
