Friday, September 9, 2011

Our first blog of the year!

Our first blog of the year!

Today we learned about conflict. (Vivien)
We had our first auction. (Rhodes)
We talked about patterns and some kids got to make a pattern on the active board. (Katherine)
We told Mrs. Ziegler our lunch numbers and since we all got them right we each got 5 cents! (Ian)
We ate snack earlier than normal. (Joel)
Today we watched a Franklin video to learn about conflict and how to deal with conflict. (William)
Officer Tuttle came to our class and talked to us about being a police officer. (Joel)
Officer Tuttle brought her puppet. (Marcelo)
Officer Tuttle read the book called "Officer Buckle and Gloria." (Vivien)
In music we sung happy birthday to Troupe and Rafa. (Piper)
Troupe brought doughnuts for his birthday. (Piper)
We took our very first spelling test today. (Rhodes)
Rafa was our star student and we learned that he has two cats. (Sydney)
We learned that Google can help you spell a famous persons name! (Marcelo)
We had a practice tornado drill!

A note from Mrs. Ziegler: We have had 11 wonderful days together! This is such a wonderful group of children and I can tell that we are all becoming fast friends. Today was very busy but I am excited to say that we got EVERYTHING on our schedule done except for one last discussion about the learning stations we will start on Monday! I wanted to explain Marcelo's comment from above about Google as well; Rafa was our star student this week and one of the things he shared with us is that he loves tennis and Roger Federer is one of his favorite players (along with Rafael Nadal). So we wrote this information on Rafa's Star Student chart but then as soon as we finished I told the class that I wanted to make sure I had spelled Roger Federer's name correctly so, right in front of the class (the projector was showing them my computer screen and everything I was typing) I googled Federer's name to make sure I had it right. Warner was surprised and curious about HOW I could spell it for google if I didn't know how to spell it. Great question! So I used it as a teachable moment and we spent about 60 seconds trying a few other names as well. For Rafael Nadal I just typed in the first three letters before Google automatically showed Rafael Nadal as a choice search, For John Isner we just typed "Joh" before he popped up on the list of possible search topics (this one really surprised me because I figured "John" was such a popular name that surely Isner wouldn't pop up until I began on his last name), we also did Taylor Swift which popped up after typing "Ta". Amazing. Knowing the huge role technology will play in the lives of these children is very important so anytime a teachable moment regarding technology comes up, I always run with it! I felt the need to explain this comment so you wouldn't think we are just spending our time aimlessly searching for famous people on the Internet, LOL!


  1. Fun stuff! Thanks for doing this blog. It helps us far-away grandparents (Michigan) feel like we can be part of it. Deborah Johnson Wood (William's grandma)

  2. What a great way to communicate with parents - thanks for all of your hard work. The Mosers
