Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Getting to know each other...

We went to the computer lab for specials. (Sarah)
It was our first day for star student. (Hampton)
We went to the front playground for the first time this year! (Helen)
We learned the Elmo the Elephant song and highlighted all the "e's" that made the short e sound. (Jacob)
We got to use offices for our math test today. (Virginia)
We got our writing journals and got to write our first entry. (Jayden)
This was our first day for our first test. (Ella and Preston)
During morning meeting we counted by ones, two's, fives, and tens. (Ella and Marie)
We had read-aloud and snack at the same time; Mrs. Ziegler read a book called "All About You". (Ford and Ella)
Mrs. Ziegler still has to change the sign on our schedule that says we will have snack with math. (Will)
Mrs. Ziegler was the star student! (Preston)
We read Goldilocks and the three bears so that we could learn about choosing books that are not too hard, not too easy, but JUST RIGHT! (Connor)
We counted to 100! (Jayden)

Question for Students: (parents please help your child respond by leaving a comment)

What is one thing you learned about Mrs. Ziegler when you interviewed her for Star Student today?


  1. Mrs. Ziegler's favorite thing to do with Jackson is chase him around the house. She says "I'm going to get you" and Jackson takes off running as fast as he can.

  2. She likes to chase Jackson around the house.

  3. Her favorite thing to do with her son Jackson is to chase him around the house. They have a circle house, so it's like running around a track.--Ella

  4. Preston (and Whitney) JonesAugust 31, 2010 at 4:33 PM

    Mrs. Ziegler likes chasing her son all around the house.

  5. She likes letting her dogs play outside. And she likes chasing her son Jackson.

  6. "She likes chocolate ice cream!"

  7. Dallia said:

    Mrs. Ziegler really likes chasing her son around the house! :)

  8. Jacob says: "That she did not like reading when she was in first grade."

  9. Hey it's Paisley I bet you guys are having A good time just like I did. You guys are lucky you have that teacher she is really nice:)
