Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

We did phonics and word block when we practiced our contractions. (Jamey and Anne)
After that we watched a video clip about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. (Adam)
At art we finished our pictures of ourselves. (Murphy)
We had Spanish today. (Keaira)
We practiced more words in Spanish like fork and spoon and knife. (David)
Senora Hooten brought her daughter with her to our Spanish class. (Jordan)
In Spanish we did a wrap song called "Spanish in the Kitchen". (Izzy)
We got to have book buddies today! (Caroline)

We learned that:
Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky and George Washington was born in Virginia. (Zach)
George Washington's brother got sick and died. (George)
The story of when George Washington cut down the cherry tree is not true. (Izzy)
Abraham Lincoln admired his brother. (Murphy)
George Washington likes arithmetic. (Xander)
George Washington fought in a war. (Jane)
Abraham Lincoln stopped slavery. (Paisley)
Abraham Lincoln's mom died. (Daniel)
...and he got another mom. (Zach)
George Washington was our first President. (Murphy)
George Washington learned from his mom. (Jordan)
Abraham Lincoln went to school in the fall and winter and it took him two hours to get to and from school everyday. (Caroline)
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are the two Presidents we think about on President's day. (Zach)
George Washington was fighting against King George. (George)

Question for Parents: Please respond with a comment...

What do you know about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln?


  1. They both have birthdays in February. They both are on both paper money and coins. They both have monuments in their honor in DC.

  2. George Washington had false teeth, but not wooden ones!

    George Washington freed his slaves....

    George Washington never lived in the White House...

  3. Our nation's capital, Washington, D.C., was named after George Washington.

  4. Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. Marla
