Today we had book buddies for the last time! (David)
Just three more days until summer! (Zach)
Today for phonics and word block we played "guess my word" with our word wall words. (Izzy)..
...the word was "live" (Anne)
In art we watched a movie about Under the Sea. (Caroline)
We got our last flat Stanley back (it belongs to George) and we read all the stuff that came with him. (Jordan)
We went to learning stations this afternoon. (Jane)
Tomorrow we are going to work on writing a friendly letter to a fairytale character. (Rosalie)
In the morning meeting Wodajo and Anne told us that they lost a tooth over the weekend. (Caroline)
George passed out Idaho Potato Pins that came back with his Flat Stanley. (Paisley)
We finally got to blog! (Jamey)
We read the Three Little Pigs and we had to highlight the word wall words and color the pictures. (George)
Zach got to share his tooth tale. (Jordan)
We ate snack while we finished the Three Little Pigs activity. (Keaira)
I made a domino effect that was so cool that Mrs. Ziegler wanted me to tell her before I knocked it down so she could watch! (Xander)