Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tests,Tree Houses, and Teeth!

Today we had a mystery guest and it was Jane's dad! (Murphy)
In computers we divided stuff in half like circle, triangles, and squares. (George)We
Jane's dad talked about the tree house he is building and told us that he put in a trap door! (Jamey)
We had guided reading and went to our learning stations. (Paisley)
We did math. (Keaira)
We done a pre-math test then we did a whole one hour of math testing. (Zach)
In guided reading Mrs. Ziegler did assessments. (David)
We only had nine subjects in school since we had the math test. (Izzy)
In our morning meeting I got to share how I lost my tooth at the dentist yesterday.(Caroline)
We have a tooth chart that makes a graph when we loose our teeth. (Wodajo and Anne)
We only have two more problems to do on our test! (Paisley)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Test, Test, Test!

We had tests yesterday, we had tests today and we will have more tomorrow! (Jordan)
Today in library we voted for our favorite NC award book. (Caroline)
Daniel is our star student this week. (Jane)
We had guided reading. (Keaira)
Xander brought the estimation jar today. (Murphy)
We had math today! (Rosaile)
Today we had a writing test. (Mattie)
Test are not hard but they are fun! (Paisley)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday, March 19th

Everybody is saying I'm lucky because I got the homework pass in the auction today. (Xander)
In science we washed our rocks and wrote about what we observed. (Adam)
In phonics and word block we took our spelling test. (Caroline)
In music we did the Irish dance. (George)
Caroline, David, Me, Paisley and Rosalie did a report on Balto. (Anne)
We did guided reading. (Keaira)
At auction Mrs. Ziegler almost kept one of the toys for herself! (Jane)
Xander brought in a rock from Romania. (Rosalie)
Rosalie brought in the estimation jar today and it was hard! (Murphy)
After we washed our rocks we got to poor out water out in the bushes. (Caroline)
I had a rock that looks like a diamond but it is very big. (Zach)
I have a rock that is really, really flat. (Keaira)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

shoulda, woulda, coulda!

We learned about rocks! (Keaira)
We went on a rock hunt. (Murphy)
Today we cheered and chanted two new words wall words. (Jane)
We learned the meaning of "should-a, could-a, would-a".
On the rock hunt some kids found what they think are crystals. (David)
We could only add twelve rocks to our rock collection. (Paisley)
We learned about a lot of rocks and that you can use them to make a house and making glass. (Zach)
On our rock hunt I found a big rock that could fit in my egg carton. (Jordan)
I found a rock that looked like a rhombus. (Anne)
At P.E. today we played a game like Indiana Jones with the big balls. (Jane)
We read a big book about rocks and we looked for things that were different than a fiction book. (Adam)
If you got hit with the ball during P.E. you had to do five jumping jacks. (George)
Yesterday on St. Patrick's Day we found little notes from the leprechaun. (Jordan)
When we were done with all the notes we found golden seeds, planted them, went to specials, and when we came back we found that blow pops had grown from the seeds! (Jamey)
We learned that soil is made up of plant and dead animal parts. (Rosalie)
Yesterday for snack we had the "eating of the greens". (Murphy)
On the rock hunt I found a rock that made Mrs. Ziegler think of Texas. (Paisley)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 15th

Xander is our star student this week and his wish is that he could find eight more quarters to complete his collection. So we thought we could help by beginning a search. He needs the following state quarters: California, Nevada, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Kansas, South Dakota, Utah and Hawaii. If you find any of these state quarters at home please send them in for Xander's collection! Thank you.

Today we learned about our star student. (Keaira)
We had book buddies and I read six books with my buddy. (Caroline)
In science we learned about rocks and we did a rotation to got to different rocks and we went along until we got back to our starting rock. (David)
Today we learned about soft rocks and hard rocks; the hardest rock in the world is a diamond and the softest in the talc. (Paisley)
We had art and we outlined crazy animals. (Anne)
Mrs. Ziegler got to show her childhood rock collection. (Murphy)
One of the rocks Indians use to make weapons is called an arrowhead. (George)
We had a full day! (Zach)
Mrs. Ziegler got a haircut but she wants it even shorter. (Jane)
For math we talked about Venn diagrams. (Jamey)
In phonics and word block we brainstormed a new word family. (Xander)
Our word family is "oa". (Jane)
We had to explain contraction words for morning work. (Caroline)

Question for parents: (please respond with a comment)

What do you know about rocks?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 12th

We had guided reading. (Keaira)
We had music and we sang the song that we will sing in the musical. (Genesis)
Mrs. Dunlap came to our music class today. (Murphy)
Not a lot of people got the estimation jar right today. (Jane)
Me, Jane, David and Adam are going to some of the main characters in the musical. (Anne)
Jordan, Jamey, Zach, Wodajo, Mattie, and Caroline also have speaking parts and Xander, Paisley, and Genesis will be back up speakers. (Jordan)
Today in math we learned about 3-D shapes and played Guess my Rule. (Caroline)
In writing we got to write about our field trip. (Rosalie)
The musical is called "It's a Froggy Day in Lindentown." (Xander)
In morning meeting Mrs. Ziegler said that she sometimes wishes we could skip snack. (David)
Some of us finished our story about the field trip. (George)
When we were at P.E. yesterday we played mouse trap. (Jamey)
In shared reading we read a different story called Foal. (Murphy)
During snack Mrs. Ziegler read a story called Sally Jean the Bicycle Queen. (Caroline)
In the story; Sally Jean helped people with their bicycles. (Keaira)
We had indoor recess today! (George)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Best Field Trip Ever!

Field trip reflections:

I have never seen a turtle with two heads! (Jamey)
I saw a snake that eats rats four times a month. (Genesis)
I have never seen a snake. (Keaira)
I really liked the submarine but at first I thought it was a space ship. (Daniel)
I got to touch a snake. (Murphy)
I got to see a nursery shark. (Caroline)
I saw a spider that was seven or eight inches long. (David)
I didn't really know that a snake could be so long. (Jane)
Mrs. Wilson said she thinks ant-eaters look really weird because they look like a giraffes neck connected to an elephant body and nose. (Anne)
I got to touch a starfish. (Adam)
In the room with all the rocks there were some that glowed in the dark. (Paisley)
There was rock with stripes on it that look like the stripes from Jupiter. (Xander)
I got to see two tigers; one was a girl and one was a boy I think. (Rosalie)
I saw a rattle snake that was very crazy. (Zach)
I have never been just three inches away from a Wallaby. (Julia)
I got to hold a snake too! (Wodajo)
I have never seen a maned wolf and I learned that they are endangered. (Izzy)
I got to a real peacock for the very first time. (Mattie)
I got to see a tornado in the water. (Jordan)
I got to have a staring contest with one of the howling monkeys. (Mrs. Ziegler)
I enjoyed going through the maze! (Mrs. Mowad)

*giggle moment*

Caroline and Kearia had to save Mrs. Ziegler yesterday when she got lost in the maze!

The peacock escaped it's habitat and went on the loose!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun!

We played volleyball in P.E. today. (Adam)
Mrs. Reed said next week we will be playing mouse trap. (Jane)
In math we worked on a sheet of paper about solid shapes. (Keaira)
In phonics and word block we cheered and chanted our new words. (David)
During snack we got to watch two Dr. Seuss stories. (Mattie)
During lunch Mrs. Mowad started raising her hand trying to get the attention of the class but instead it just became a game like Simon says. When the teachers raised their hands all of the students started raising their hands! (Genesis and Paisley)
Yesterday we had a two hour delay. (Anne)
In writing we worked on our clerihew poems. (Caroline)
We only have six more pages in our handwriting books. (David)
For morning work we talked about odd and even numbers. (George)
Only one person was out of range with their estimation for the estimation jar that Jamey brought in! (Rosalie)
We had guided reading and I went to he big book station. (Jordan)
When I was in guided reading I was working on reading a story and answering questions. (Caroline)
It was the best day ever! (Murphy)
Cha cha cha...tomorrow is Friday! (Zach)
We had a tornado drill! (Jordan)

Question for students (parents please help your child respond with a comment):

How can you tell if the number 117 is even or odd?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Two Day Blog

We had guided reading today. (Daniel)
We talked about our 3-D shapes. (Mattie)
We had book buddies yesterday. (Julia)
During our morning meeting Mrs. Ziegler predicted rain instead of snow and then later she admitted that she was not a weather man. (Jane)
In phonics and word block we cheered and chanted "girl" and "hand". (David)
We had library today. (Adam)
In writing we finished our tooth fairy stories. (Rosalie and Jane)
During snack we read two Dr. Seuss books. (Murphy)
For shared reading a read just a couple of pages from a Dr. Seuss book. (Jamey)
Today is Dr. Seuss' birthday. (Izzy)
We got to do guided reading and one of my stations was S.S.R. (Jordan)
Mrs. Ziegler shared a few stories about Jackson. (Wodajo)
We had to finish math after specials. (Caroline)
We had inside recess. (Anne)
We got to learn more about Jane because she is our star student for the week! (Julia)
We had art yesterday. (Adam)
We had substitute in the library today. (Xander)
I shared the two ribbons I won at the horse show. (Mattie)
We will not have Spanish for a while because Senora Hooten can't be here. (Caroline)
Yesterday the page we read came from the book called And to think, I saw it on Mulberry Street. (Paisley)

Question for Students (parents, please help your child respond with a comment)

What is your favorite Dr. Seuss book?