Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, Februrary 26th


In math we used two dice to make a time on a clock and then had to show one hour before and one hour after the time we rolled with the dice. (Caroline and Jane)
We worked on our tooth fairy stories. (Adam)
There was a substitute in music so we watched a video about musical instruments and what their names are. (Genesis)
Today was "dress for success" day. (Paisley)
We will do handwriting next. (Murphy)
We had a spelling test and then a minute math test. (Rosalie)
When we watched the video in music we saw a french horn. (Wodajo)
We wrote about Mrs. Sieg being our mystery guest on Wednesday. (David)
Mr. Stearn came and took pictures of the people who dressed for success. (Jane)
We checked our Question and Answer sheet that went with the Teeth magazine. (Jamey)
George brought the estimation jar today and we were excited because seventeen of us estimated within range! (Adam)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, Februrary 24th

We had a mystery Guest. (David)
Most of us finished our Abraham Lincoln and George Washington papers when we were writing. (Murphy)
Since they were testing today we couldn't have computer so we had P.E. (Jane)
For shared reading we read a magazine called Teeth. (Genesis)
We had to find answers to questions about the magazine. (Adam)
Tomorrow is Fitness for Charity. (Jordan)
We worked on a math sheet that had two sides during snack; we were counting the tens and ones blocks. (Izzy and Anne)
We got to count our place value blocks. (Jordan)
We had french toast for lunch. (Paisley)
It snowed when we were eating snack. (Rosalie)
In phonics and word block we worked on the words "found" and "box". (Xander)

Question for Parents:

Who do you think our mystery guest was today?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday, February 19th

Today we took our minute math test and our spelling test. (Zach)
We had to take one word off the spelling test because the word divine was spelled wrong on the this week's homework sheet. (the whole class)
We did math with place values. (Jordan)
We got to eat Hoecakes for snack! (Rosalie)
In music we had a substitute teacher. (Caroline)
In auction we had some wand and we didn't know what it was. (Jane)
The hoecakes tastes like pancakes, looked like pancakes, and smelled like pancakes! (Izzy)
The hoecakes tastes like cornbread. (Paisley)
In shared reading we read about Abraham Lincoln. (David)
We drank tea and Jamey's mom helped us with the hoecakes. (Wodajo)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 18th

Today in P.E. we had free centers. (Izzy)
We learned that a garden hoe was used to cook back when George Washington was alive. (Jordan)
Some people finished writing about George Washington and some people started it. (David)
We had P.E. with Mrs. Boozer's class. (George)
Two people from Mrs. Boozer's and two people from our class played basketball and the score was 17-6. (Zach)
We are excited about tomorrow because we get to eat hoecakes! (Paisley)
During snack we did our estimation jar. (Genesis)
We had a short time for writing. (Jane)
In math some people got to take the little blocks and put them into the square and then we had to guess what number they were tyring to put in the squares. (Caroline)
We played another game on the active board with place value blocks. (Rosalie)
Some people did not get to use the active board but tomorrow they will! (Murphy)
Rosalie lost another tooth in February. (Anne)
I almost took a shelf marker out of the library. (Xander)
We read a book in snack about George Washington's Breakfast. (George)
We had guided reading. (Adam)
We finally got to do our blog. (Julia)
On Monday David will be the star student because we haven't had time to start it this week. (Wodajo)
We are in the middle of our George Washington stories. (Mattie)

Question for Parents (please respond with comments):

What do you think George Washington ate for breakfast?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The D'nealian Fairy

Today while adding two new words to our word wall word books the students were told to be very careful with their handwriting. I told them to imagine that the D'nealian fairy was sitting on their shoulder watching their handwriting. After working queietly for a few moments Jane raised her hand and said "Mrs. Ziegler, I don't think the D'nealian fairy is real". I said "of course she is Jane, don't you see her on your shoulder?" So Jane looked curiously at her shoulder and then reached up and slapped it with her hand and said "Well, if she is real, she's squashed now!"

I thought you would all enjoy this story!:)

Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

We did phonics and word block when we practiced our contractions. (Jamey and Anne)
After that we watched a video clip about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. (Adam)
At art we finished our pictures of ourselves. (Murphy)
We had Spanish today. (Keaira)
We practiced more words in Spanish like fork and spoon and knife. (David)
Senora Hooten brought her daughter with her to our Spanish class. (Jordan)
In Spanish we did a wrap song called "Spanish in the Kitchen". (Izzy)
We got to have book buddies today! (Caroline)

We learned that:
Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky and George Washington was born in Virginia. (Zach)
George Washington's brother got sick and died. (George)
The story of when George Washington cut down the cherry tree is not true. (Izzy)
Abraham Lincoln admired his brother. (Murphy)
George Washington likes arithmetic. (Xander)
George Washington fought in a war. (Jane)
Abraham Lincoln stopped slavery. (Paisley)
Abraham Lincoln's mom died. (Daniel)
...and he got another mom. (Zach)
George Washington was our first President. (Murphy)
George Washington learned from his mom. (Jordan)
Abraham Lincoln went to school in the fall and winter and it took him two hours to get to and from school everyday. (Caroline)
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are the two Presidents we think about on President's day. (Zach)
George Washington was fighting against King George. (George)

Question for Parents: Please respond with a comment...

What do you know about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Three day update

Today is Wednesday and it is the first chance we have had to blog all week! Due to all the snow days last week; we have been so busy playing catch up that we just haven't had time to squeeze the blog in. However, we are very happy to say that today makes our third consecutive day of school with no HUGE interruptions (we are not counting the two hour delay this morning). So this is what we have been doing this week:

We played four corners for a short recess today. (Murphy)
We made cards for our book buddies. (Keaira)
We did math on Monday with heart shaped candies. (Jordan)
We learned about clocks that tell the time. (George)
Some people started AR this week! (David)
We decorated our bags for valentine cards. (Paisley)
We finally got to do the blog. (Jane)
We worked on writing a paper about "how to make a Valentine's card." (Adam)
On Monday we worked on contractions. (Anne)
We made an entire list of contractions on the Active Board.(Izzy)
We read a book about Henry Box Brown. (Mattie)
Today the book fair closed. (Jamey)
Our star student this week is Jamey. (Xander)
In art we glued our self portraits to the paper we made with hand prints. (Caroline)
When Mrs. Wilcox came we read a book about a boy who was a slave and he rode a boat to freedom. (Julia)
I brought in three new Junie B. Jones books for the class. (David)

We would like to give a great big thank you to all the parents and students who bought a book form the book fair and donated it to our class! We were very lucky!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Our return to school!

We went to the bookfair. (George)
Charlie (Mr.Ziegler) came and played sparkle with us. (Anne)
We had a two hour delay. (David)
We finally got to do our blog. (Jordan)
We did not have snack but we did have lunch. (Adam)
We began a new month! (Genesis)
We had learning stations. (Keaira)
For morning work we worked with fact families. (Caroline)
Caroline, George and I shared our science fair projects. (Xander)
We used cubes to measure the area of some shapes. (Jamey)
Xander talked about the best liquid to clean pennies with. (Jordan)
I did a project to find out "which container would keep an ice cube from melting the longest at room temperature?" (Caroline)
We filled in a blank February calendar and answered questions about it. (Mrs. Z)

We were very happy to see each other again today and we are hoping to be back again tomorrow...we will have to keep a close eye on the weather. Keep warm and stay safe!